Direct School Admission (DSA) 2024
1. Introduction
Introduced in 2004, the DSA scheme provides students with the opportunity to seek admission to Nanyang Girls’ High School (NYGH), based on a diverse range of academic and non-academic achievements and talents that they can demonstrate beyond the PSLE.
Primary 6 students who wish to seek admission to NYGH based on their achievements and talents can consider applying through DSA. Otherwise, students will take part in the Secondary 1 Posting Exercise, whereby admission is based on their PSLE results.
Students who have been successfully allocated to NYGH via DSA will NOT be allowed to participate in the Secondary 1 Posting Exercise to opt for other secondary schools as places have already been reserved for them in NYGH. They will also NOT be allowed to transfer to another school after the release of the PSLE results. NYGH runs the six-year Integrated Programme in partnership with HCI. They are expected to honour the commitment to NYGH from Year 1 to 4 and to Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) from Year 5 to 6.
Students admitted to NYGH via DSA-CCA are expected to honour the commitment in the CCA from Year 1 to 4. They are allowed to choose another CCA in Year 5 to 6 if they are interested in a new CCA.
Students admitted to NYGH via DSA (Bilingualism, Mathematics, Science, Innovation or Service Leadership) are expected to honour their commitment to participate in the respective domain's programmes from Year 1 to 4 and prioritise these programmes over others.
Parents and students are encouraged to choose schools wisely based on the student’s aptitude and strengths, bearing in mind NYGH’s academic and non-academic requirements, and the programmes available to develop the area of talent.
2. Important Dates
No. | Description | Time Frame |
1 | From 2019, application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal. The application is free-of-charge and will be open from 7 May to 3 June 2024. For more details, please refer to MOE’s website. | 7 May 2024, 11am to 3 June 2024, 3pm |
2 | NYGH conducts trials/ auditions* for shortlisted applicants who have applied for the Aesthetics, Sports and Games-related talent areas. *Please click here for the proposed trial dates and timings. |
5 July 2024 to 30 July 2024 |
3 | NYGH conducts selection tests/ tasks for shortlisted applicants who have applied to the Bilingualism, Mathematics or Science talent areas. | 6 July 2024 |
4 | Shortlisted applicants who have applied for the Innovation talent area are to submit their portfolios. Further details will be sent to shortlisted applicants at least 1 week before the submission date. |
8 July 2024 |
5 | Shortlisted applicants who have applied for the Service Leadership talent area are to submit their personal statements. Further details will be sent to shortlisted applicants at least 1 week before the submission date. |
8 July 2024 |
6 | NYGH conducts interviews for shortlisted applicants who have cleared the first round of selection through trials/ auditions/ tests/ tasks/ portfolios / personal statements. | 3 August 2024 & 17 August 2024 |
7 | Applicants receive outcome of the selection exercise. | By 9 September 2024 |
8 | Students who receive at least one DSA offer may indicate up to three school preferences. They can submit their school preferences through the MOE online system or in hardcopy to their primary schools. | 21 October 2024, 9am to 25 October 2024, 3pm |
9 | The results of the DSA Exercise will be released to students on the same day as the release of PSLE results. | Late November |
3. Talent Areas
The talent areas offered by NYGH in the 2024 DSA-Sec exercise for admission into Secondary 1 in 2025 are:
Talent Areas | ||
Bilingualism | ||
Mathematics | ||
Science | ||
Innovation | ||
Service Leadership | ||
Aesthetics | • Chinese Calligraphy • Chinese Dance • Chinese Orchestra* • Concert Band** • String Ensemble*** |
Sports and Games | • Artistic Gymnastics • Badminton • Basketball • Netball • Softball |
• Table Tennis • Tennis • Track and Field • Volleyball • Wushu |
*Chinese Orchestra is accepting DSA applications for the following instruments: 弦乐 (Bowed strings), 阮 (Ruan), 柳琴 (Liuqin), 笙 (Sheng), 唢 (Suona), 笛子 (Dizi), 琵琶 (Pipa), 扬琴 (Yangqin), Cello, Double Bass, Percussion
**Concert Band is accepting DSA applications for the following instruments: Flute/Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, Saxophone
***String Ensemble is accepting DSA applications for the following instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
4. Application Requirements of Each Talent Area
Application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal. Please refer to MOE’s website on application requirements.
The talent areas offered in NYGH in the 2024 DSA exercise for 2025 Secondary 1 admission are:
Talent Areas | Trials/ Auditions | Portfolio / Personal Statement | Selection Tests/ Tasks | Interview (for selected shortlisted applicants only) |
Bilingualism | - | - | Required | Required |
Mathematics | - | - | Required | Required |
Science | - | - | Required | Required |
Innovation | - | Portfolio required | - | Required |
Service Leadership | - | Personal Statement required | - | Required |
Aesthetics • Chinese Calligraphy • Chinese Dance • Chinese Orchestra • Concert Band • String Ensemble |
Required | - | - | Required |
Sports and Games • Artistic Gymnastics • Badminton • Basketball • Netball • Softball • Table Tennis • Tennis • Track and Field • Volleyball • Wushu |
Required | - | - | Required |
5. Selection Criteria
- Passion and aptitude in the specific talent area
- Performance at selection tests or tasks
- Performance at trials or auditions
- Academic ability (to manage the IP curriculum)
- Character and leadership disposition
Meeting all the criteria does not guarantee the student will be shortlisted or given an offer.
Applicants who do not have prior experience may also apply. We will assess applicants based on the selection criteria, which may include assessing the potential of the applicants.
6. School Fees
School fees per month (Year 2024)
Nationality | Sec 1 | Sec 2 | Sec 3 | Sec 4 |
Singapore Citizens | S$250 | S$250 | S$300 | S$300 |
Singapore Permanent Residents | S$880 | S$880 | S$880 | S$880 |
International Students from ASEAN Countries | S$1,580.50** | S$1,580.50** | S$1,580.50** | S$1,580.50** |
International Students from Non-ASEAN Countries | S$2,398.00** | S$2,398.00** | S$2,398.00** | S$2,398.00** |
** These rates are inclusive of the prevailing GST.
Note :The above the school fee rates are updated as of April 2024. Any
update in rates will be published on the school website once the new rates
are confirmed (where applicable).
Miscellaneous fees
All students | S$750 per year |
Students who are recipients of MOE Awards
Students in the Art Elective Programme (AEP), recipients of Edusave Scholarships for Independent Schools (ESIS) | Sec 1 to Sec 4 MOE School Fee Subsidy: S$200 per month |
7. Financial Assistance
NYGH is committed to ensuring that no deserving student is denied the opportunity to our Nanyang Experience due to financial circumstances at home. Financial assistance schemes such as the MOE Independent School Bursary (MOE ISB), school-administered financial assistance schemes, as well as other bursaries provided by well-wishers and external institutions are available to help our needy students continue with their education and motivate them to strive for greater accomplishments.
UPLIFT Scholarship
With effect from 2019, students who are Singapore citizens from low-income families admitted to Independent Schools (ISs) through DSA or are receiving the Edusave Scholarships for Independent Schools may apply for the UPLIFT Scholarship. Students from families with Gross Household Income up to $4,400 or Per Capita Income up to $1,100 will be eligible for the scholarship. The scholarship provides a cash award of $1,000 per annum. The tenure of the scholarship will be for the full duration of studies in the ISs subject to students meeting the annual renewal criteria.
MOE Independent School Bursary (MOE ISB)
Eligibility Criteria
- Student must be a Singapore Citizen.
- Satisfy either the monthly Gross Household Income (GHI) or the Per Capita Income (PCI) criteria.
Income Criteria & Benefits
The income criteria and benefits are as shown in the table below:
Income Criteria | MOE ISB | What it mean |
GHI ≤ $3,000; or PCI ≤ $750 |
Tier 1 subsidy ~ 100% subsidy |
Students pay $0 of school & miscellaneous fee per month. In addition, they will receive : • Free textbooks and school attire • Full subsidy of national exam fees • Transport Subsidy (for students taking public transport) • Meal Subsidy |
GHI $3,001 - $4,400; or PCI $751 - $1,100 |
Tier 2 subsidy ~ the fees will be covered by the MOE ISB and the MOE School-Based FAS |
Students pay $0 of school & miscellaneous fee per month |
GHI $4,401 - $7,500; or PCI $1,101 - $1,875 |
Tier 3 subsidy ~ student pays 1.5x GGAS fee |
Students will pay $37.50 per month MOE will subsidize the remaining school & miscellaneous fee |
GHI$7,501 - $10,000; or PCI $1,876 - $2,500 |
Tier 4 subsidy ~ 33% subsidy of school and miscellaneous fees |
Lower Sec Students will pay $209.38 per month. Upper Sec Students will pay $242.87 per month. MOE will subsidize the remaining 33% of school & miscellaneous fee |
Nanyang Girls' School Financial Assistance Scheme (NYGH FAS)
Students who do not qualify for the MOE ISB or MOE ISB recipients who wish to apply for financial assistance for other fees may apply for such assistance under the NYGH FAS.
The MOE ISB and NYGH FAS application forms will be available on the school website from December 2024.
8. Frequently Asked Questions
1. What was the admission cut-off point for 2024 Secondary 1 students (annual posting exercise)?
For 2024 Secondary 1 admission, the cut-off was AL 7(D).
2. How many Secondary 1 students will be accepted in 2025?
The projected number is 390.
3. What is the NYGH-HCI Integrated Programme (IP)?
NYGH runs the six-year Integrated Programme in partnership with Hwa Chong Institution (HCI). The IP is a six-year enriched curriculum that equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to proceed directly to the A-Level programme in HCI. Students who have been successfully allocated to NYGH via DSA are expected to honour the commitment to NYGH from Year 1 to 4 and to HCI from Year 5 to 6.
4. Does the school offer the Art Elective Programme (AEP) and the Music Elective Programme (MEP)?
NYGH offers the AEP. It is a four-year programme and students in the programme enjoy a fee subsidy as AEP is an MOE-initiated programme.
Though our school is not an MEP centre, we offer our own four-year Higher Music Programme (HMP) which is modelled after the MEP. However, students in our HMP do not enjoy a fee subsidy unless they are on ESIS.
5. What would the learning experience be like for students who enrol through DSA (Bilingualism, Mathematics, Science, Innovation or Service Leadership)?
To nurture the DSA (Bilingualism) students to be effectively bilingual and bicultural, the school offers programmes beyond the classroom. The Lower Secondary students will attend fortnightly NY Enrich lessons to further develop their communication skills as well as appreciation for culture and literature.
At upper secondary, it is mandatory for DSA (Bilingualism) students to read Literature in Chinese as part of the Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP). They will participate in CLEP either as an MOE scholar or non-scholar. For students who have broader interests, they can choose to additionally opt for the Humanities Programme (HP) or Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP). Students are selected into these two programmes based on their passion and aptitude.
The Mathematics Talent Development Programme for students who are admitted to our school via DSA-Mathematics offers an invigorating learning experience. Students will develop their passion, sharpen their problem solving skills and deepen their learning of Mathematics through a comprehensive four-year Olympiad training programme. They are given opportunities to take part in local and international Mathematics competitions. At upper secondary level, students are encouraged to participate in various research programmes such as Math Research Project where they will get to explore different areas of mathematical inquiry. These research projects deepen their knowledge and hone their critical thinking skills. They are also encouraged to apply for a study in Advanced Mathematics which is adapted from the Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry course by Stanford University Online High School.
Students admitted to our school via DSA-Science are provided with a myriad of opportunities to hone their skills in research and enrich their learning in the various scientific disciplines beyond the core curriculum. They will get to learn from experts in external organisations and institutes of higher learning. In lower secondary level, students are expected to participate in at least one research and innovation project such as the Green Wave Environmental Care Competition or Innovation Programme. At upper secondary level, students are given various platforms to sharpen their skills of inquiry. They are expected to challenge themselves by taking up at least one advanced science course. They will learn to read scientific journals and carry out independent learning tasks. They are encouraged to participate in various science competitions and mentorship programmes. They will get to deepen their research skills through short-term attachment to research institutions such as DSTA and DSO.
The Innovation Direct School Admission (DSA) Programme seeks to develop students’ design mindsets and behaviours, which includes developing their capacity to come up with human-centric solutions or innovate systems and experiences. Various platforms will be created such as school-based opportunities for our Innovation DSA students to further develop ideas and early versions of prototypes. There will also be an active curation of external partnerships for our students to learn from institutes of higher learning, local start-ups and other community partners.
Students could consider deepening their interest through programmes and projects in areas such as Data Science, Maker, Aesthetics or others which they are keen on. Extended learning opportunities would be facilitated for our students to observe how innovative design mindsets and behaviours play out in authentic settings that cut across different industries.
DSA-Service Leadership
The Service Leadership Direct School Admission (DSA) Programme seeks to nurture leaders who place service at the heart of leadership. Students will be provided with varied authentic learning experiences to develop their 21st century competencies and leadership qualities. The training sessions will cover concepts of leadership and give the students opportunities to work in teams with like-minded students to identify needs in their community and devise solutions to meet those needs. Mentoring will be provided to develop the leadership potential of the students.
9. Who should I contact for more information and further enquiries?
For DSA matters, we would prefer that you email us at [email protected]. You can also call our hotline 6508 3654, Monday – Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. However, we seek your understanding that our General Office personnel may not always be available to pick your call.
Both the email inbox and the hotline will be unmanned after 9 September 2024.